Mr. Anil M.S

M.A, B.Ed

M.A, B.Ed, Pursuing Ph.D, Bharathiar university
Work experience
  • Working in St. Joseph's College (2015 - till date)

  • Worked in BGS College, Hassan

  • Worked in Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan

  • Worked in AVK PU and Degree College, Hassan
Area of Interest
  • Coordinator in Soft Skills Development
  • 31.01.2017 - State level Seminar - Dharmastala Manjunatheshwara Mahila Maha Vidyalaya - Paper presented - Change in the mode of teaching English at the under graduate level.

  • 08.03.2019 - Attended - National Level Seminar - Impact of innovation and technology in contempory business in the digital era.

  • 30.07.2019 - 31.07.2019 - Attended - Jescol Seminar - Jesuit Community

  • 10.06.2019 - Attended - FDP - St Aloysious, Mangalore

  • 05.05.2020, Participated - National Level Webinar - Use of Elseiver tools in research workflow - Dept of Commerce, University of Mysore.

  • 11 th May 2020 - 13 th May 2020, Participated - National Level Webinar - Digital Era of teaching - Diksoochi, Mysore.

  • 05.06.2020 - Participated - National Level Webinar - Conservation of Biodiversity in Kalyana Karnataka Region: Opportunities and challenges - Loyola College Manvi

  • 22 nd June 2020 - 24 th June 2020 - Participated in Webinar Paramarsh series 1, Quality initiatives in HEI's - SJCC, Bangalore

  • 28 th May 2020 - 31 st May 2020 - Particpated - National Level Webinar - OLMS and designing E- Content - Dept of Commerce - JG College of Commerce, Hubballi
Brief summary of Career
Mr. Anil M Completed M.A from the University of Mysore. He is currently pursuing his PhD in English from Mysore University.