Library and Information Center

Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan

Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan was born 12 August 1892 was a mathematician and librarian from India. His most notable contributions to the field were his five laws of library science and the development of the first major faceted classification system, the colon classification. He is considered to be the father of library science, documentation, and information science in India and is widely known throughout the rest of the world for his fundamental thinking in the field. His birthday is observed every year as the National Library Day in India.

SJCC Library

The Library is an integral component of the institution ever since its inception in 2009. The Library offers vital support for teaching, learning, research activities of the College by disseminating knowledge and offering modern services to the academic fraternity. It is fully automated using Easy Library software for its housekeeping operations. The library also contains computer centre where students can avail online resources

Library Rules

  1. The library will be open from 8:45 am to 4:00 pm on all working Days and during vacations. On Saturdays it will be open from 8:45 am to 1:00 pm.
  2. Strict silence should be maintained in and near the reading Room.
  3. Application for library books should be made in the prescribed Form.
  4. The name of the book, the name of the author and the call Number of the book must be clearly stated when applying for Books.
  5. A student who fails to return the books within 10 days will be Fined one rupee for each day beyond the due date excluding Sundays and Holidays.
  6. Extension of period may be obtained if the same book has not Been applied for by another.
  7. Books lost, damaged or defaced must be paid for by the student. Loss of pages, mutilation and other damage discovered on Return of books will be charged.
  8. Loss of a book borrowed from the library must be intimated to The librarian in good time.

Library Services

The library provides the following demanding and anticipatory services to the users.

  • Lending service
  • Reference service
  • Referral service
  • CAS service
  • External database access
  • Book bank service
  • Question paper bank
  • Internet access
  • Photo copying service
  • interlibrary loan service.

Digital Library

Integrated Library Management Software

SJC Library is using libmansy Integrated Library Management software for its in-house day to day activities. Library started its computerisation process in the year 2021.

The term automation is introduced used first D.S. Harder in 1936. He defined it as, “the automation is handling of parts between progressive production processes. Since then the term has been applied to a wide variety of automatic machinery and automatic systems. And is action for human efforts of intelligence.

Definition of Automation: Automation work is used for automatic technical process. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, “The name given to an automatic system of working. The difference between automation and mechanization is mainly one of degree” “The technique of making apparatus or a system that operates automatically”. In general automation is the automatic, as opposed to human, operation or control of a process, equipment or a system; or the techniques and equipments used to achieve this. In libraries automation refers to the process of automatic in-house functions such as circulation, cataloguing, Acquisitions, Serials Controls etc.

libmansy runs on GUI (graphical user interface) environment to ease the data entry and operation. It has web component that enables the library to share the data across the campus. It also has built in email and web publication support.

Library Book Details
1. Main Library Books-7167
2. Reference Book- 350
3. Donated Books-450
4. Book bank-150
5. Projects-160
6. Journals-30
7. CD/DVD-46
8. Magazines-10
9. Newspaper-12

Ms. Shashikala A M
B. A. ,M. Lic.