Healthy atmosphere exists in the campus. Sensitivity to each other, care and concern for one another, creative mind-set, approachable nature, homely atmosphere and healthy student staff relationship.
Co- Education
The purpose of bringing growing young men and women together during the post-school period is to facilitate a health emotional growth while the intellect is trained in secular knowledge. Exclusive pairing within the premises or on campus, eve- teasing shall be considered as serious offences.
Staff- Student Rapport
Our lives are shaped very much by the people with whom we constantly interact. We have excellent staff in this college. Students can make good use of the experience and knowledge of the staff through constant personal contact both inside and outside the class room. In the world full of stress due to various distractions of life, counselling and guidance seems to be a relief to the stressful life. Students should approach the councillors and the trained staff available in the campus, in order to learn the art of handling stress.
Scholarships and Freeships
In keeping with the mission of the Institution, the college offers financial assistance to the deserving students. The scholarships are given in two categories.
Group A: Merit-cum-need based Scholarship.
Group B: Students who excel in Sports and Extra-curricular activities.